Proper Noob!
by mercer88 on Comments
Game opinions and reviews can often be swayed by how good a gamer the reviewer is. In the case of most reviews I read, they are either by people with no interest in the game their playing, or people with an interest, who are actually quite good. It's all very well and good getting a variety of opinion; but objectivity is key, and that is what I hope to bring to the board. In all my blogs, and any reviews I might make I hope to be as objective as possible. If I know that I am going to dislike a game from the off, I will ensure I put that to the back of my mind and look at it objectively. Instead of hype and rumour I want to talk about fact. I am hoping my balanced views, slightly caustic opinions, and sarcastic delivery will be appreciated, and if you don't appreciate my opinions do tell me in a constructive fashion just what is wrong with them. I am the ultimate noob, jack of all games, master of none (well, Final Fantasies are a bit of an exception, but there are people who are more 1337 than I!), either way I hope to be a servent to gamespot as a passive, objective and opinionated noob. Its great to finally sign up and get involved, I've enjoyed the site for a long time and you are well known for being impartial and knowledgable. I hope I can maintain those standards!