Well, the 'rents and the little kids are back in town. Pulled in about a hour and a half ago, and they even brought back some souviners for me. I now own three official peices of Black Hills gold. I even have a certificate of authenticity for two of them. The one I got when I was ten no long has its certificate.
Anyway, the last week was nice. A little weird, not having a house full of people, but I must admit, I do like the crowd. And of course my dog is as happy as can be, now that her girl is home. I just hope she doesn't think that my bed is where she'll be sleeping from here on out. :D Back on track, most of the week was spent working, and when I wasn't working I was cleaning house. I know, my parents go out of town and what do I do? I clean. Well, what can I say, things were fabulous when they got home.
I had a party Friday night because let's face it, I'm a normal young adult and I do like to get together with my friends, so I invited my six closest friends over for dinner - and breakfast. I watched V for Vendetta at about one AM followed by The Count of Monte Cristo which got over about five thirty. Then the cats starting raising a ruckus, and then the alarm went off at five after six . . . well, I was running about two hours of sleep yesterday. Others things done at the party included dropping Mentos into Diet Coke, late night swimming in a 95 degree pool (and it was about sixty degrees outside), and massive amouts of eating. Between myself and my friends Stephanie, Ericka and Katie, we ate almost a whole key lime pie. And there was still cheesecake. Dinner was comprised of black bean soup (Cuban style) with friend plantain bananas and fried yuca root (very potato like) and breakfast was Belgian waffles. I love to cook, so I was totally in my element.
And in the weird and wacky news, I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that my house is haunted. The grandfather clock in our foyer, which hasn't been wound in several years, started up. I didn't do it, and I know my friends haven't messed with it. All of a sudden, on Friday, it started up and it's been running just fine since then. Okay, so the time is off, but it's running and that's the weird part. I think our ghost must have messed with, like he messes with my computer and my dolphin statuettes. Creepy.
Well, I need to go bug people about dinner. I'm starving and now that I'm finally used to my braces (it only took me a week) I can eat normally again.
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