Crikey it's cold around here! After several weeks of freezing weather, we finally got some snow on Tuesday. And it's hung around since. In fact it was snowing pretty heavily this morning, but let up as the afternoon wore on. Now it's getting warmer outside and now it's becoming a slushy melt. I fervetly wish that we'll get lots more snow (I'm rather liking the fact that I can curly up on the couch with a pot of tea and a book), but as things stand it probably won't happen. Oh well. Can't blame a girl for wishing, can you?
Nothing new around here. My completion percent has gone up by leaps and bounds, and I'm waiting to hear back on a submission I made to Ned's Declassified School Survival Guide. I watched the show mostly for Darren Norris (Gordy) but now I've come to find it funny and best of all, kid friendly, which is good because I have younger siblings to find decent programming for. And that's about it.