If I thought my life was interesting, I had no idea until my eight-year-old brother lost his hamster, Sugar, in the loveseat this afternoon. He'd been playing with him (Sgt. Sugar, driving the G.I. Joe Jeep, no less) when he set him down on the loveseat. However, Sugar, unsupervised by my brother and my sister, managed to get lost within the cushions. I thought I was going to have to rip the loveseat to shreds, but luckily, after about ten very pannicky minutes, we managed to grab hold of the little bugger and pull him out.
Let me say this of today's adventures: my brother is no longer to set the hamsters down if he takes them out of their cage. He must hold on to them at all times or place them into their exercise balls.
Days like these make me wish to join a convent or at least swear off kids.
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