Well. I made it. Heckuva year it's been, too.
So far, this year has included family fueds, two deaths and a ton of homework. Sometimes I just wanna crawl into bed and never get out. The world is so depressing these days.
Okay, so not totally depressing - seeing as that ratfink (hey, I have other, more colorful terms for the guy but this is a family friendly site and therefore I am not allowed to post them) Saddam Hussain is now doing his little dance in Hell. Whaddaya know, there is justice in the world.
That cynical note aside, this year has been rough and it looks like it's only going to get worse. Manipulative parents, impossibe siblings, it's a never-ending cycle of phsycological stress that one day may cause me to jump off the deep end and do something either really dramatic (shave my head and cover myself in tattoos) or really stupid (kill myself). Hopefully I just go for the dramatic when the time comes.