Mea culpa, mea culpa!
So it's been over a year since I first became active on the community. My stats?
Level 9 - Door Number 2 - 10% complete
82 Blog posts
251 Forum posts
20 Reviews (15 shows and 5 episodes)
35 submissions (29 accpeted and 6 denied)
18 contacts (15 Friends, 3 I'm Tracking, and 0 Tracking Me)
Anything else is pointless, however is accessable via my profile (which, if you're reading this, is where you happen to be). As of December 1, 2006 I have been an active member. Keep in mind that I officially joined Gamespot on March 19, 2005 (and of course, by proxy, and however have done really nothing until the former date.
Random picture:
Gotta love boredom. This and other pictures are available at my divantART account, link provided on my profile.