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I'm posting the latest chapter of my Danny Phantom fanfic, but I'm afraid that might be it for a while. Too much school and even though it seems like I have all the time in the world, I just don't. Believe me, short of never sleeping, I'm not sure that I'll ever have enough time. The good news is, that if I bust my butt over the weekend, I could finish up my History 110 class and be done with it. Since most of the class involves reading the assigned chapters and then answering a question about them, I really only have the book review (which thankfully I'm doing a book I've read before and even written a paper on to make thing easier) and the final essay question, which I'm pretty sure was the final essay question for my Civil War and Reconstruction class. My European history class I'm falling behind again in as well, which means after this, I'm going to bury myself in my text book again, but first I think I need to find some lunch. All of a sudden, I'm starving. As for my East Asia history class, well, it'll be interesting, to say the least. I think I'll need to start devoting one day to that class and that's all I do. I'm actually pretty caught up with the reading, it's all of the other stuff I need to take care of that I'm falling behind in. Well, I won't accomplish anything dallying around here. Back to work.