I was shocked and saddened when I picked up my newspaper yesterday morning. Along with the usual headlines regarding the recent wildfires that are plaguing my fair state, the news that Steve Irwin, the great Aussie ambassador of nature, was dead graced the front page.
Struck down by a sting ray while filiming on the Great Barrier Reef. Well, I suppose it was a fitting way for him to depart. Doing what he loved to do so much. But it hurts to think what he'll miss. Bindi Sue and Bob growing up, graduating from high school, then college, getting married, having kids of their own. Anyone who met him said he was just as big in life as he was on TV.
I baby sit my younger siblings a lot, and some days it was hard to find something that we could watch on TV. The Crocodile Hunter was always there though, in some form or another. I knew that I was getting interesting, educationly TV that wouldn't shock or offend my younger siblings. They learned stuff. Heck, I learned stuff.
My breath caught in my throat this afternoon, when I turned on my TV and started channel surfing. On Animal Planet, a familiar gap-toothed grin peered out at me, and I realized, there would be no more. I suppose Terry could try and carry on, I'm sure she's still running the zoo. I don't know, though, she may take a little time and return to the Pacific Northwest for a while, and be with her parents to recoup. All speculation though, I haven't heard anything about how she or the kids are doing. I just hope that they're carrying on like I'm sure he wanted them to.
We are but mortals. He was put on this earth to raise awareness for animal conservation. And he did a helluva job while he was here.
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