I would LOVE to see how the concept of God is "outlandish".
The thing is, you never will. I'm assuming you're well into your 20s or 30s (perhaps further) -- if you haven't seen it yet, you won't.
You believe that God loves each and every person he creates.
He, therefore, creates life in places where Christianity has not, and will not, reach the people. They, therefore, are damned to an eternity in hell. Remember though, he loves them.
He did not reveal himself as the one true God for thousands of years, and, therefore, to billions of people. They, therefore, are damned to an eternity in hell. BUT, he loves them.
He spoke to the Jews and called them his chosen people. By today's Christian standards, however, they are damned to an eternal life in hell. God, however is defined as all knowing. Thusly, he used deception on the Jewish people. Definitely, he loves them.
2/3 of the world's population is NOT Christian. Therefore, God creates 2 of every 3 human beings simply for the sake of burning eternally in hell (he is, after all, all-knowing, and is well aware that those he creates will not become Christian in their lifetime.) He clearly loves them.
There's far more, and I haven't even touched upon the Epicurean Paradox. Take a step outside of the box you live in, and examine the concept of Christians, and ONLY Christians, leading the "correct" life, and you'll understand just how outlandish it really all is.
Unfortunately, not many take the initiative to step outside of that box.
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