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bathing suits and donkey konga

Well today was just as boring as ever, Since Sol's are over I though while we watch stupid movies in class I'd listen to my avatar podcast on my IPOD and I got in so much trouble. I mean whats the difference if people playing cards during a movie and me listening to my Ipod? Neways I got a luch detention oh well. Hehe. Okay two nights ago my friend slept over, I know a school night but oh well. she doesn't have nething on TV cept local channels so I showed her all the most important episodes of avatar and she is so obsessed. AND SHE IS ZUTARA! she made me make her a video which I made clear I hatee Zutara on the captions

I feel like typing... so yea hehe. No one ever comments my blogs so what the heck, Hi!

Okay Thomas, I'm going to copy you.

Love life- 5/10 jus enjoying being a girl who is just crushing on boys that will never look her way but perfectly fine being single!

school life- 9/10 schools lets out in two weeks so what the heck we just socialize and watch movies so yea school isn't so bad right now

Family life- 8/10 other than my mom being a butt all is good

whole life- 8.5/10 Go me SQUEEEEE

Wow we go on a field trip to the local swimming pool tomorow NBD but I'm afraid to swim in front of everyone, I am kinda self consious... and as you least expect rather shy too... In and with my friends I have this wild personality but if I dont know you dont expect me to talk...hehe. I just dont have a problem talking to you guys, yall are my friends too. :).

Well I have been playing Donkey Konga and guitar hero a lot lately and im so addcited Im almost done with the hard level on guitar hero but still working on it on Donkey Conga. It goes really fast and my hands just dont move that fast. :(

Our school had a fab friday the other day which is where you go outside and play physical games so my friends and I played DDR and I'm good at it but I fell. My ankle still hurts and I think I sprained it oh well.

Only three more fabulous weeks till florida my darlings. Me and my bestest are going together to universal and staying at the hotels on site so we get to skip everyone in line and I'm also going to be looking for Avatar things... Do you think they have a katara shirt? I need one desperatly to show that girls can like avatar too to the boys at school.

Only a lil' more than a month till my birthday yay me!!!!!!! I turn the most fab fab fab 14!!!! No more stupid mean rednecks at my school calling me a baby and did you know a kid in my eighth grade ****got his learners the other day?! I dont get mine till I'm a junior in highschool!

Well goodnite and sleep tite everyone! For you people who read this...