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Birthday and avatar airdate coming soon!!!!THE AIRDATE!

Well today was my fourtenth birthday, we went to Johnson City, Tennesse and went to like a chukie cheeses but they have go carts, laser tags, putt putt, bowling, and stuff like that, then we went to my fave resturant, Olive Garden Yum Yum! Then we watched the fireworks and they were really good too, so why waste my time when big avatar news was released?!


Anyway, on to Avatar-related things. I hear there is a date, finally. Not sure if it is or if my source knows it yet but I will do my best to get it to you ASAP. As of right now I don't know the date yet but hopefully will soon. :)

Comic Con is a few weeks, we'll have some awesome coverage for you, courtesy of Kevin, one of our admins. Really wish I could be there but especially after this expensive vacation I just took there's no way I could make it over there. Bryan Konietzko, one of the co-creators, has been confirmed as going to be there, and Mike DiMartino, the other co-creator, has confirmed to be missing out. Likely another writer or director will join him. The programming schedule should be out soon so we'll know a bit more then.

As I reported months ago, there will be a second All-Avatar edition of the Nick Magazine, which will come out in the month of season 3's premiere, September. Here's a description (courtesy Nandireya): "The official Avatar magazine - written by the writers of the Avatar TV show - and including over 30 pages of all-new comics featuring adventures that take place between seasons 2 and 3! This issue includes an exclusive Season 3 preview along with fan pages, interviews, behind-the-scenes articles, puzzles, and more! Illustrated by Amy Kim Ganter, Reaggan Lodge, Johane Matte and Brian Ralph.52 pages...Full Colour...SRP $4.99″

The Season 3 premier date should hopefully be announced by Dongbu Feng in July. I really hope we can get it to you all soon. Expect more on plans for us announcing it soon.

Elemental Week II will be on the week leading up to the Season 3 Premier. We hope to bring you some extra special stuff during that week.


Look at meh new siggeh::~

Also look at my blog sigehh itn't cuteeee?