Okay I have skipped four levels in two days...what have I done to get to these levels you ask?>! NOTHING...a big complete wad of nothing, Oh well it doesn't hurt meh a bit hee.
Today was the first dayof Day Band Camp, not for me cause I marched Eighth grade, but the kids in my grade, and for some reason this year the seniors are really perverted I dont know why, I guess it just comes with being a band geek...trust me you don't want to know what they did to a geeky guy in my grade or what this one guy did when he was playing his trombone. A bunch of people skipped today, which made me really mad, cause it'll mess up our drill and everything ugh/
I can't wait till band camp is over, I get to move on to highschool yay and football season which is incredibly fun, except for when one game is...On the 21st...makes me really mad....even worse...its an away game at a highschool two hours from here! suks bad huh?
Not to mention, I have to wake up six thirty every morning to be there at 8:15, and at real band camp 5:30....I CANT FREAKIN STAND IT!!!!
random pictures of the day...
Silly meredith...See tha hairdryer...Ya thats why my hair is soooo freakyfied