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I have caught the sickness as well...reallly....and yea

I am sick... I have thrown up three times today and i feel like I'm going to do it again...Off take take pepto...neways I am bored so yea I saw this in thomas's and chelsea's profile so heres a survey...

5:54 pm
Merdok, Mere
Middle School, a mighty 8th grader
A lovely shade of brown, not really, quite plain really, chocolaty brown I guess
nope L
Ever helped somebody cheat?
Yea, I know bad me...
Missed school because it was raining?
Set any body part on fire for amusement?
Yea, cause seeing your skin burn off is so
Kept a secret from everyone?
Had an imaginary friend?
Molly merriment you bring back memories
Wanted to hook up with a friend?
A "boy" friend I have yea kinda
Cried during a Flick?

Yea boo hooed [coughcoughavatarcoughcough
Had a crush on a teacher?
well we have a substitute today who was buckets of fineness
Ever thought an animated character was hot
Aang and danny phantom
Ever at anytime owned a New Kids on the Block tape?
Prank called someone?
yea real fun hehe

Been on stage?
Yup, singing dancing, I dunno, a few times
Favourite shampoo?
Favourite colours?
pink, turquoise, and purple
Day or Night?
Summer or Winter?
Summer baby!
Favourite online Smiley?

 :roll: keep talking

Like anyone on
Yes, I have a hot steamy passion of love towards...yea right, I love all my friends!
Known the longest of your friends on
Thomas I think
Name your best friend(s) on
Chelsea, Olivia, Trotter and others but that would take forever

Who's the loudest on
Considering you can't technically hear anybody...ahh what the heck, umm, Olivia
Who's the shyest on
Who do you go to for advice on
Chelsea, but usually on aim
Who do you cry with in real life?
all da time
Cut your hair?
yes in second grade and I so regret doing it myself
Worn a skirt?
yep my ****night outfit is a skirt
Been mean?
Been sarcastic?
what do you think?

Missed someone?
Hugged someone?
Yes. Let's go with yes.
Fought with your parents?
Wished upon a star?
yea plenty of times
Laughed until you cried?
oh yea and it wasn't pretty
Played Truth or Dare?     
 yea and it didn't turn out well
Watched a sunrise or sunset?
Went to the beach at night?
Read a book for fun?
reading is okay but only when im in the mood
Are you lonely?
well at school or on no, but when I'm im my room yea
Are you happy?
Are you talking to someone online?
Ummmmm Morgan

Do you believe in God or the Devil?
Yes being Christian I do
Do you believe in love?
Do you believe in The Closet Monster?
Used to "MOMMY"
Do you believe in The Big Bang Theory?
do you believe in Heaven or Hell?
Yes being Christian I do
Do you believe in superstitions?
no just coinendences

What is your full name?
Meredith Brooke ****
Who named you?
my mommy and daddy
Backstreet Boys or N Sync?
backstreet boys if I had to choose
What was the last thing that you said online?
What is right next to you?
blanket, couch, and computer

What is your computer desk made of?
it's a laptop so my desk is me!!!!
What is your favorite state?
I live in Virginia, but I think my heart belongs to Florida
Where do you want to go on your honeymoon?
Cruise in the Caribbean
Who do you want to spend the rest of your life with?
Right, because I'm 13 and I already know that...
How many buddies do you have on your list?
Ummm 40?

How's the weather right now?
Ummmm...80's and blue skys
What did you do last night?
Nothing, online talking to people and watched house and avatar
What's the best thing that you find about the opposite sex?
Favorite hair colour in the opposite sex?
Dreamy blonde guys with brown highlights turn me on and the emo hair like Spiderman was in sm3
Pizza or ice cream?
Pizza all the way
How do YOU eat an Oreo?
hate oreo's yea I know Im weird....
Dream car?
beetle bug
What do you want to be when you grow up?
One of those people who work like at nick or Disney studios
What are your future goals?
go to college, play my trumpet, do what I pursue life to be

Favorite music?
Alternative rock, and pop

Least favorite time of the year?
Do you type fast or slow?
Fast I guess
If you could change your name, what would it be?
McKenzie, or Molly

Do you sleep with a stuffed animal?
Have you ever been in love?
once...I thought
What will your first son's name be?

Favorite drink?
Cherry coke
Do you like scary or happy movies better?
ummmm... love and movies like when a stranger calls kind of scary
Lust or Love
Do you consider cheerleading a sport?
Do you want your friends to do this survey?
Sure, go on guys DO IT!
When's your birthday?
July 3rd
How old will u be?
A mighty 14 (oh baby)
Time done?