Six ships you like:
1.Aang and katara (Avatar)
2. Sokka and yue(avatar)
3.Ron and Kim(Kim possible)
4.Tory and Gabriella(High school musical)
5. Ben and Sadie(naturally sadie
6.Miley and oliver (Hannah montana)
Three ships you used to like, but don't anymore:
7. Cory and Topanga (Boy meets world)
8. Lizzie and Gordo (Lizzie MgGuire)
9.Paige and Alex (Degrassi)
Three ships in your various fandoms that you can't stand:
10. Zuko and Katara (avatar)
11. Toph and Aang (Avatar)
12.Kim and Shego (Kim possible)
Two ships you are curious about but haven't actually started shipping:
13. Mai and Zuko (avatar)
14. Miley and Oliver (Hannah montana)
1. Why do you dislike #11 so much?
They are horrid together, and there is no proof of it at all
meone you know that ships #13?
Princss Sasuke and me
3. What would be your ideal scenario for couple #3 (even if the show isn't on the air anymore)?
The show still airs new episodes but they already went out, and are adorable
which is your favorite episode for #1? Try to pick just one, if you can.
Cave of two lovers or, The warriors of Kyoshi
5. How long have you been following couple #6?
Ummm.... They haven't got together yet...but I sense it coming
6. What's the story with #8? What made you stop liking them/caring?
The show kind of ended/
I 7. Which ship do you prefer - #2 or #4?
4. 2, even though troy and gab are adorable too!
8. You have the power to make one ship non existent. Choose from #10 or #12.
10, ZUKO AND KATARA !!!! DIE!!!!!
9. What interests you about #14?
They are best friends, and he would be good for her
10. When did you stop liking #7?
Stupid show ended
11. Did your waning interest in #9 kill your interest in the show?
Nah. Ships never make me stop liking a show.
12. What's a song that reminds you of #5?
13. Which of these ships do you love the most?
Aang and Katara definetly...
14. Which do you dislike the most?
Zuko and Katara
15. If you could have any of these two pairings double date, who would it be?
1 and 3 cause they are the most adorablest
16. Have #2 kissed yet?
Yes they kissed twice and attempted once
17. Did #4 have a happy ending?
In the first movie they did so I guess so...