Well, past christmas, past new year, and back in college sitting on my lazy ass. and am loving it. the whole sitting on my ass thing of course, i mean i could be in a better place right now like dominos or somthing. yes i have food on the mind, anyway enough about that lets get the ball rolling. now recently i have played guitar hero 3 and smackdown vs raw 08. but then i went to an old time classic, pokemon. and after that.... i played POGS, although that has nothing to do with games i got bored with it within 2 minutes.
its been abit of a mix up this last week with me wondering if i was moving house and not being sure if i was leaving college or not, but its clear now that am not moving yet and that am still in college right now, ( i sleep under the tables) at this very time, i am thinking of playing COD4 (Call of duty 4)with the crew other than that i have not got much planned for my day.
why on the subject of games and me not having much to say at this time. some of you might already know, some might not but anyway i dont care am going to tell you anyway, those images i told you about for dave's models, they have been uploaded so all you have to do is go onto my profile and click the images tab and there you go sorted, i will be uploading more shortly after i have completed more of mine, i have done quite abit, i think, and when am ready i will get a few screen shots for you.
i may play some counter-strike source aswell today if i get the time whether am at home or college well this is just going to be a short one as i dont have much to say. so this is all for now, later. ( Jack thompson is going to sue me for playing POGS now)