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Give Me The Damn Red Carpet !

Hello, long time, yea... anyway, its been awhile, I sat in college yesterday (28/04/09) and game spot just crossed my mind, so I thought I would check it out and see how the old dog is getting on, so I pop on and see straight way they are giving away beta keys for some game which I have not yet tested. Anyway I just did abit of browsing looking around the site and looking at some new games. Then later after college I got back and jumped onto my computer to start playing "Dead Space" which was pretty good to be truthful. It's not a bad game once you get use to it. The monsters are cool and it's pretty cool where you got to cut off all its limbs in order to kill It., or just stomp it.

I did both, but hey I completed chapter 1, saved it, then quit the game and just browsed the internet for awhile why messing round on a 3D applicationand throwing "Spider Pig" around the room. (Don't worry it's a Blow up "spider Pig" no animals were harmed during the throwing around the room thing).

Now also recently I have been playing "Left 4 Dead" and "Gta Chinatown Wars" which both are actually very good games, though I was a little disappointed with both, first of all L4D does not have that much of a story line or anything, although its not really that bad having no storyline which makes it pretty much different to a lot of games, but there wasn't much to really do after you had done the "short" levels. But don't get me wrong it is a hell of a game that you can get plenty of fun out of when playing with friends. The fun just never stops even when it bites you on the ass, playing to much of it could probably make you paranoid of the outside world. So try not to keep your self cooped up inside your bedroom for too long playing against your friends,because you might end up going out with your friendsdo the same thing. (Heh... no seriously) there not zombies, there justdrunken idiots

Now "Gta Chinatown wars" is not a bad game, quite interesting what you could do on the Nintendo DS with the game. From hotwiring cars to point selecting your sat nav with your pen (don't try the hotwiring thing). The story is not too bad though the game is quite different also; very easy really, losing the police is no problem. I enjoyed the multiplayer with friends, but I only found out today that it's only two players. That was quite disappointing really, I was looking forward to kicking a 2nd persons ass in one game, as my last score against someone was, Me 18, friend -6, ha-ha was not there day, or am just to damn good (yea shut upI willown you too). Anyway apart from that, yea it's all good,but it is a shame about the multiplayer.

right, I think that almost covers my gaming time pretty much, I might have another go at "Dead Space" tonight or I might just jump on Unreal Tournament 3 on the 360, anyone want to message me and challenge me on a game I might have then add me and message me on the 360, my addy is "PenguinNads". oh and before I forget, the new L4D survival pack has not long come out, already had a go and it is pretty damn good, anyone that has that game a message and I will join you. Anyway, till next time.