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well well, look what we have here, Rockstar 1, Morons 0. its a great day today and victory tastes very sweet, oh sorry no thats my apple pie, my bad. heh yep yep, Man Hunt 2 is no longer banned and should soon be on the way. tho it is abit of an over rated game, still. the team worked hard and shouldnt be put out of reach of there hard work on Man Hunt 2. soCongratulations to them.any enough about that as am sure some of you are sick of hearing about it as it went on for so long so lets talk about somthing else eh.

Now, Smackdown Vs Raw 2008 is out. but i myself have not played it yet, bit of a suprise really as i normaly get themsoon as they come on the shelves, or just pre-order online.but at the moment ive been playing smackdown vs raw2007. now i was going to buy 2008, but my brother had said he isgetting it for me. so that means ive got to wait. bit of a shame but ohwell, anywho, i have not only played that but have also played"Psi-ops" not many of you maybe have played that, but it is a fun game, story aint the best but hey the action kicks ass. so i just go on training mode, if you have completed the game then you get all the powers , go into a biggish room, spawn bunch of enimies after pressing buttons on the wall, and just enjoy kicking ass throwing enimies around or throwingobjects at them.

oh and also played abit of guild wars recently, i want anyone to answer this questuion for me, how can you compare world of warcraft, to guild wars, from i can see, wow (world of warcraft) looks liek it was designed by a five year old. the graphics are awful same to the pixels.the user viewsucks as theresso many options you dont get to use them all in a space of time. am suprised you can see your screen,though i did see somefunny stuff with videos made, there is one where they are holdinga funeral for somonethat had past away in real life (not making fun of that) they held afuneral in the game, for the record, thats kinda sad.

but in the video they had held a funeral and as you had so many players there, no weapons or anything, somone must have been on the inside or somthing, this group got together, loads of them and decided to crash in on the little party, it was just so funny to watch (Link ) i know its old but it still makes me laugh, maybe am just evil. ohwell, hehe anyway i think that just about covers it for today i aint really got any other news for you so til next time, ( pss, dont tell jack thompson about the online funerals, he will fill in another lawsuit for the dead) :D