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where's my Christmas Pudding ?

Well, not long until christmas, yet its my birthday on the 22nd december, woopty doo. heh nah aint to bad to be honest. good times and bad times. its whats the drink is for right. heh anyway just did a recent review on world of warcrap, and even from that you can tell i dont like the game. heres my review

Huge, beautiful, seamless world High streamlined and conducive to short or long play sessions Exciting, action-packed combat Elegant, easy-to-use interface Excellent music and sound..........No, am guessing you have not opened your eyes...?

Well let me explain what you can't or don't seem to see. The wow world is Not Huge, Beautiful.... its badly pixel, graphics suck. And a short game just the same thing over and over, yet there's not many places to go and the whole so called "Exciting, action packed" thing, it's a load of nuts. It's boring. You run to another player, oh look at the dance moves I can do, oh score for me, yea am going to stab you with this pee wee dagger.

What's with the orks, oh yea am sorry something from LOTR, yea my bad. Have to steal from something. Right let's get to the graphics, I mean come on you got to admit there Lame, and the whole thing, you know it's just... well, looks like it was drew by a five year old. the most biggest and sad thing is people stay up all night looking and playing a crappy good for nothing sad excuse for a game, cartoony perfetic game that shouldn't have even been put on the shelves. Now I KNOW a lot of you are going to disagree and flame with me, but at the end of the day, my answer would be "Screw Yourself" I put what I want and what I think. And well that's just what I think of World of wan-kers *cough* oh sorry I mean world of warc-oc-k....oh darn, wrong again world of war craft, hey third time lucky, I really have played online games ALOT better than this, yet they charge you to play this junk. (Yes I've played it so I know what am talking about)

yep yep. it sucks. heh ive got one game in mind that beats world of warcrap. Guild Wars, guild wars has far better graphics, story might not be the best but hell its fun. and the pvp, endless fun. yes some of you might turn round and say, what the hell, there both the same. and thats where your wrong, some of you might say wow is better than GW, and that side obviously has no sense and is the side that is best kept in theDark. and as Cabbose likes to say if any of you have ever watched RvB (Red Vs Blue) there a bunch of Gay Robots. yep hard to beleave, .... but true, there gay robots that hump there keyboards to the exstent of world of warcraft.guild wars nownow, your thinking oh what a fooking hypicryte, well no i liek to see it as, sense. anyway guild wars hasmuch more to offer,instead of crappy cartoon things that run around that are designed byfive years olds. yet for the record, i still love that video of the funirel raid. right am probly causeing enough arguments as it is so am gonna leave it right here about the wow and GW.

new paragragh, new lines, yet not much else to say...hmm..... well as i already said not long til christmas or my birthday, and i think we can all tell winter is here, freezing my nads off outside,i cant really think of what else to say other then ihave been doingquite abit on 3ds Max, geting it together now, i think myself i have done pretty good, but i must sayDave(NukesRUs) has done a very fine job on his model, and yes he is now trying to model a SkyLine (yes a goddamn car, not a line from the sky) he has done really good, i willtry get some images uploadedA.S.A.P. well i think this is enough of my blabbering, so am gonna say good bye sayingHavea GreatChristmas Merry Christmas to you all and a Happy New Year :D

P.S ( Watch out Jack Thompson might get a law suit against you for "Violent Carol Singing" , sorry just had to get that one in)