This whole 'cloud' business is pretty durn' scary....i love the 'virtual' aspect of videogames, but in 'reality(huh huh), they are more or less trying to make our lives 'virtyal this, virtual that' it really better to have all your music on a hard drive rather than simply have most of it in a physical CD and THEN put it on a hard drive?Ditto for games......Even music.A big craze now is 'virtual amplification', which no matter how good it is starting to sound, will never create the same 'feeling;' in your head while you are playing.That is because tube amps have VARIABILITY.On top of that, these virtual amps have all your effects too.Now when it breaks down you lose EVERYTHING, not just one component you need to fix or replace.....take a look at facebook.Rather than have a real life, you can just live vicariously through facebook!The possibilities are endless!Or so they would like you to believe...What happens when everyopne puts all their CPU info on a hard drive via Cloud?..And THEN the internets gets shut down by some hacker terrorist?Uh-Oh?Cloud gaming or direct hard drive purchases are a great OPTION, but in reality, well, reality is better...and this means physical things you can put YOUR hands on....The rebellion against 'all things' cloud had better start now or you might find yourself not just waiting a month to go online and play PS3, but you might be waiting a month to even play a game AT ALL...
Nice idea...not really sure that really makes a golf game cooler....I would rather see EA just make a good golf sim instead of the arcade slop they churn out...yeah, right
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