List of games that are or were taking forever to be made, look no further!
by metalkid9 on Comments
Hey everyone, I'm just bored (from the results of life) so I decided to make a blog about the games that have taken or had been the longest to develop. So here it goes: 1. 2 Days to Vegas(TBA for a while now) - Never heard of this game before, but it looked nice from the pics that are posted and looks and feels kind of like GTA so I decided to go ahead and track it anyway. I have a feeling it's either going to be canceled or it's just going to sit there in Gamespot's directory with no updates. The pics were released back in 2005, around the same time Alan Wake was announced and we still haven't gotten any updates on it other than the 3 pics they posted the year after. There were never any news for it and it seems to me that Steel Monkeys are a no name developers. So I wouldn't be surprised if they got hit by the recession... early that is :P 2. Alan Wake(May 18, 2010 and let's just hope it stays this way or else I'm gonna go to Remedy studios and punch Sam Lake in the face! :) They took long enough to develop so please no delays, but at least the good news is that they never delayed a set date of a game..phew!) - I can not recall any other game that took as long to make as Alan Wake, and I'm not talking about just any game, I'm talking about a game that we know will be released for sure. Maybe GT5? 3. AvP(released) - I'm not sure if this falls in this category as it was announced last year (I think) but one of the developers said that they've been adding little bits of pieces of ideas since the beginning of the decade. It seems like they were very laid back while developing this game so I'm only putting it here due to what he said (no, not what she said ;)) 4. Battlefield 3(TBA) - So this was announced back in 07 but it seems like GS misinterpreted this to Bad Company 2. Either way it's been taking forever to make (if they are actually making it) so let's welcome it to the list, and hopefully we'll be welcoming it to our Xbox 360's, PS3's and PC's soon enough for that matter :) 5. Black 2 (TBA) - So this was announced back in 2006, at the same time when EA also announced Army of 2 and Crysis for Q1 of 07. Well we definitely saw Ao2 and Crysis but did not hear a single thing about Black 2 afterwards. 6. Gran Turismo 5 (TBA 2010) - Anounced 2005, around the same as Alan Wake. They finally had a release date set (I think March) but no, 5 years wasn't enough for them. The $60 million budget game is supposedly going to be released the Fall. I would personally be very surprised if they delay it any further since it looks to be almost done. 7. Half-Life 2: Episode Three(TBA) - Oh boy, I don't even know what to say to this one. It's pretty overwhelming since it's just an episode. I mean I'm sure they already planned these episodes before hand just like GTA4 DLC's. So why exactly is it taking so long? Only Valve knows. Well it kind of sucks for them because as time goes by the gamers' expectations rise and TBH with you, if it, graphically,looks even close to the previous episodes I won't hesitate to pass on this one with all the great looking games coming out. 8. Heavy Rain (Feb. 23, 2010) - Well I'm glad it's finally here as this was announced back in E3 06. I'm sure everyone got their pre-orders ready, I know have :) Well don't get too excited though because the first downloadable chapter that comes with the pre-orders is delayed till early March. Yup, they just could not do it without delaying something... 9. Hei$t(Cancelled) - I was actually looking forward to this game back when it was announced but as time went by the graphics looked like they belonged to PS2 so I'm kind of glad that they canceled it rather than have the game turn out disappointing. 10. Max Payne 3 (Q3 2010) - Announced in 2004 by 2k. Not sure how it will turn out since Remedy is not working on it. R* Vancouver worked on the Bully games so I'm really iffy on this game. I have a strong feeling that the story will blow but the visual effects are going to be awesome since the last one was in the PS2 era so I can't even imagine what kind of effects they'll be adding to this puppy. I guess we'll just have to wait and see. We waited this long so I really don't mind waiting till fall, plus there are too many other games that will keep me busy till then. 11. I Am Alive (TBA 2010) - Announced not long ago (only in 2008 ) but again I have this feeling that it's gonna be one of those games that will take forever to make. Perhaps another Alan Wake in terms or release date. 12. Postal III (TBA 2010) - Ok this is a big one for me. I've been religiously waiting for this game for years. The developers, Running with Scissors appear to me to be kind of like Rebellion. They like to take all the time in the world and just lay back and make the game. And it also doesn't help when they give us a year of release (yes! a year! not even a date or a month) and well, the year already passed (2009)! I don't know, it's just starting to become a joke to me. Let's just pray it comes out this year though. 13. Mafia II (TBA 2010) - So this was announced in 07. It seems pretty done up to me so I'm pretty sure it will be released this year. And last but not least, 14. Duke Nukem Forever (TBA) - or more like Duke Nukem Forever to be made, or Duke Nukem Never... you get the idea. I think everything that had to be said about this game has been said so I'll just leave it at that. Edit: I almost forgot to put these little puppies up here: 15. Sonic the Hedgehog 4 (Q3 2010/Summer) - Yup, I'm sure as you all know, it's finally here! 16. Civ 5 (TBA 2010) - Just announced a couple of days ago, 2K will be releasing this baby this year! :D This has to be one of those rare games that you're truly looking forward to spend countless addicting hours and one of those rare games that you know before it even comes out that will turn out perfect. I'm really not sure if this game belongs here though since it was never announced but it was just sitting there in Gamespot's game directory. This just proves it that Gamespot can see the future :O OK so there you go. These are my list of games that take or are taking forever to be made. And there is only one to be crowned as the one and only game that took "Forever" to be made, which I won't even mention again ;) ****************************************************************************************************************************************** Anyway, I'd love to hear what you guys think of the list. Is it good, is it bad, did I miss anything? And don't forget to put your favorite game that took or is taking forever to be made. Thanks for reading :)