well im just gonna get it when it comes out and hope that it plays on the low settings
metallica225's forum posts
Is that the only bad side?EA's digital store gives you a limited time to download your game, if you unistall it, or something of the sorts, and want to install it again, you are screwed.
Also, i heard that the developers set the specs low and that they are slightly higher than the sims 2...i could run sims 2 with 512 mb RAM, and i just added a GB. Anyways, whats the bottom line...yes or no?Ouch :( it looks pretty bad, I doubt you'll even get in the game with an 6150 :( also the CPU is pretty old but considering that you need an 2.0 ghz P4, you'll be at the limit but you should be fine since at that time a 1.8 sempron was way over an 2.0 P4 and your RAM is pretty much enough but your integrated graphics card doesn't help :(.
My specs are:What are your specs? yougamers and smilar things are useless, they won't help you more than you can do yourself by reading the requirements and comparing them to your system.
AMD Sempron Processor 3400+
1.80 GHz
1.2 GB RAM
NVIDIA GeForce 6150 LE
im no computer whiz so i dont know if you need any more specs
Will there be a Sims 3 demo out?
I was wondering because it would determine if my computer could run it.
I was considering downloading The Sims 3 from the EA store as a direct download and i was wondering if it is a good idea, or should i just go to the store and get a physical copy.
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