Its been a long time since my last blog...i don't get enough time to write blog's but whenever i find much time on the internet, i just go to Gamespot for checking out games.Although its sad to say that i don't even have time to play games as i used to play before.Now in university everything's changed.I wished i could play games, but i am still not giving up on my hobby.I still play some great games when i am free....right now as i am having winter holiday's so i am spending my time with my Xbox 360 plus i also give time to my PC as well.I am playing Crysis Warhead, its a great FPS game and also Operation Flashpoint Dragon Rising is cool too.I hope and i pray theti get the time to play more and moreawsome games like Assassin's Creed 2,Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 and much more......:)
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