@famos_ga @Monsterkillah well they might, not full support i dont think. but this whole "cloud" movement might bring support for older games. im not sure what MS is calling theirs, but sony bought out and is using the Giakai service to bring it (at least if i remember it right). who knows when either service will be available thought, both companies have only briefly mentioned the topic for now.
@blueinheaven i usually dont enjoy going to the comments on console articles like this due to hate thrown around, but i did get a good laugh out of this one lol
im looking forward to some official info on this, i like star wars, and shooters so this interests me. i hope its as nice as the battlefront games (Even though i was terrible at them lol)
@bobopendagrass those photos may not have been taken from the console versions. with graphics like that they are probably from the pc version. also the ps3 and xbox are capable consoles still, yes not nearly as good as pc or something but im not sure both have been completely maxed out on what they can run
metalmasterW's comments