metalrift's's Gamespot Rank

Level: 15 (23%)
Rank: Nobunaga's Ambition
Points: 204565

metalrift's Emblems

  • Virtually There: E3 2007 GameSpot Show Zealot

    My life for Footage! These special viewers caught all three days of GameSpot's live stage show at E3 2007. Now if we only put subliminal messages into our broadcasts, we'd have an army to take over the world...

  • Tokyo Game Show 2007

    Virtually There: Tokyo Game Show 2007. For tuning in during GameSpot's live coverage of the 2007 Tokyo Game Show, which took place on September 20-23. We all know you only wanted to see the cosplayers anyway.

  • Player's Ball

    It's a treat when famous players meet. This person did it real big with GameSpot and got wild on a Tuesday night at the GameSpot Players' Ball. Whether you saw the action from the confines of your own home or, like a true cross-country mack, stepped out into the spotlight with us live and in person, we sincerely appreciate it. If we could give you all a ride in our snotty-nosed ham sandwich with the brains blown, we totally would. That's a car, by the way.

  • Robocorn

    Hey look, it's a totally original dude wearing armor. With a huge gun and a helmet (a visor?). And he's riding a unicorn. This user was granted this magical emblem for not having any of their user profile images hosted on untrusted websites during The Great Purge of March 2013.