I was wondering about the review myself. I was going to get this at launch but decided against it, I've been burned before. I'm sure Gamespot is taking its time and actually playing the game to completion instead of just playing the game for a few hours and putting up a review based on that.
There is a review already up over at GameTrailers that is pretty fair or so it seems. There is also one over at IGN but I don't know anyone who takes their reviews for a grain of salt.
In either case, I've decided to wait until next week to possibly get the game just incase there are some game breaking bugs and glitches that surface, that kind of stuff really ruins my fun.
 Well, if you want some random joe's opinion, I'll say that this game is probably one of the most surprising games I've played in a year. I bought on launch. Pre-ordered even. I did this knowing full well I was taking a risk on both another potential capcom craptastrophe AND a game that had equal odds to totally rock or totally suck.
 Expected mediocre. Got a pretty damn good game. It has its problems. A lot of people are talking about the game being hard, but honestly the majority of the difficulty comes from the fact that enemies do a TON of damage with even small attacks and almost 90% of everything they'll swing will also flinch-stun you. I've died more to stun-locks after being grazed by an attack then I have to a mistake or misjudgment on my part.
 So, you know. Be ready for that. If you can handle a few cheap feeling deaths in order to play a pretty damn good RPG then you are totally set. Also, you should probably brace yourself for really BS DLC since that is the way Capcom works.
Hearing thats its hard actually makes me want to get this. Probably next after Im done with Skyrim...still need batman though.
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