@Shielder7 @Baconelite I bought a gaming PC (for about $1200) 4 years ago and there hasn't been a game yet that has pushed me to 'upgrade' for $1000 each year I've had it . the only thing ive updated is my drivers . your comment is just stupid .
I was under the impression it costs a monthly fee for XB live ?
- XB 1 will have more fun in living room via Kinect...No need to buy expensive smart TV anymore, just buy normal TV. Do it via XB1
TV's aren't expensive these days
- Likely better cloud system...Microsoft knows this technology very well. Doubt on Sony.
don't buy consoles based on ' cloud systems '
- Install Kinect...Better game experience, better for game developers, and for Kid. Kinect is better than Eye from PS 4,too.
don't care about Kinect or Eye .. im sure some do but meh , whatever.
- Powerful OS inside....It is tweak version of Win 8. So, probably it may run tons of Windows softwares....MS already hinted this. Developers will launch many software after launching. Future is bright.
Windows 8 sucks
- Cable box inside....another cable box inside..You have another cable subscription as an another alternative....It is cool.
...umm and ?..
- More expensive ?...Cheaper than Iphone or its Sony flagship phone, too.
why compare phones to xbox and PS4 ? PS4 is cheaper than xbox 1
@GamerOuTLaWz I have to agree my favorite game BLIZZ has created is Warcraft 3 and Warcraft 4 is what I'm waiting on . I did like Starcraft 2 and I agree 100% that WoW hasn't been the same since vanilla. I don't play Diablo 3 anymore , WoW or Starcraft 2 so I don't think I'll bother with this expansion at all .Get Warcraft 4 going Blizz .. and win me back !!
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