Spore is an enjoyable game that has more to offer than most games. The customization in the game are right-on perfect and intuitive. You can make the most random **** monster and the game knows how to make the creature move, dance, flip, punch, and disco. Making creatures is fun and entertaining, for a while, hey you can make a monster that looks like a penis I mean there's like building and vehicle customization... there not as fun. With the creature creator you can make videos and post them on youtube. Beyond the customization, which is the game's biggest strong point, is the actual game. You first start off as a cell and try to get your way out of the tide pool. Its like an old school arcade game. You have the choice to be a carnivore, herbivore, or omnivore. A carnivore eats other cells or meat, herbivores eat pieces of plants, and omnivores eat everything. If you really want to finish the stage I say don't become a herbivore or you keep getting your ass kicked. The second stage is the creature stage where you finally get on land. In this stage you go around gathering DNA and body parts for your creature and than **** the alpha creature to attach those body parts to your creature. To get body parts and DNA you can either socialize with other alpha creatures or destroy their whole race so they never appear in the game ever again. Its kinda like The Sims meets World of Warcraft, which doesn't work. After the creature stage is a parody of 2001: A space Odyssey. Than the tribal stage is an RTS with annoying walking distance. The civilization stage is kinda like a cheap ,what do you know, civilization game. Your main priority is to capture all of the cities and capture spice, which is no way on earth a reference to dune. Okay good, now that all that is out of the way: SPACE STAGE, which makes up more than 70% of the game's funnest. There are more than 50,000 planets to count and so many solar systems to take over including one solar system called sol, which is an exact duplicate of are solar sytem. It has Earth, Venus, Pluto: wait that isn't a planet. You can do a lot of, well not a lot, but a lot of stuff in the space stage: hell you can even go death star on a planet and totally destroy everything it once was. Oh by the way: destroy earth. The space stage is where the customization really comes into the game. All those species in your sporepedia are now everywhere. Which is great for me cuz now all those Marios can now have babies and dance together. So if you haven't already nodiced the early stages suck and maybe you should try harder on making the gameplay a little bit ummmm, HARDER!!!! Otherwise the good in spore is you can make anything you want from a burger building to a Pikachu, great audio and sound, and from every corner of your planet it is so charming, even when the cutest wubble dies. So yeah, it's a Will Wright game. Its great, but not too great as in the term its everything a Sim fan can want, plus casual and hardcord gamers will get a kick out of it. Its just that the first 4 out of 5 levels aren't well, hard. The creature stage was sorta fun.
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