Use bombs and arrows alot. I suggest you use the quick arrow move where when you jump in the air than land and as you land you press B to shoot an arrow right away. ITs weak but fast. I dont use it all the time I mostly charge my arrows. Try to hold back till sudden death during a timed match since about all of Link's attack can kill in one hit except boomerange but arrows and bombs work great. I never use my up-B on the ground, it take too long to charge and it takes too long to perform the spin attack, its only good for recoveries. Another good recovery is his claw shot that does damage to people while using it in air, but not alot. I like to grab people with sheild+A and either throw them back or in the air, than down A in the air under them so you can pong and you hurt themeven though you are under them, weird. A stupid tatic is to go hide on the edge of arena and shoot rapid arrows.
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