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Top Ten characters that should be in SSBB

10. Geno: The best mario character ever! If you dont know who he is you better leave my country! And if you dont live in my country, you better know who geno is.

9. Bowser Jr. / Shadow Mario: Hell they should make a game for this guy. His mom is a whory princess who had sex with his turtle dragon dad/bad guy who likes to abduct the princess and rules an army of turtles!

8. Daxter: Screw you Jak. Daxter is way better. He has a frickin flame thrower!!!! And battles insects!

7. Darkrai: The most bad@$$ ultimate dark pokemon that is praticly the demi-god, but no god pokemon (Arceus).

6. Boobies... I mean Kitana! from mortal kombat: We need a hotter and skippier clothing lady in SSBB, Zero suit samus your too much of a tease!

5. GLaDOS: The most amazingly awesome Artifical intellegence in gaming! If she was a human and real I will totally do her!

4. Krug: Its not even from a video game but it is something from something with video game in the title. VG Cats. Krug is not even a cat!

3. YODA!!!: The best jedi and green midgit ever. Not only is he from the second best scifi movie ever, first being 2001, he is a FREAKIN GREEN MIDGIT!!!!

2. Sylux: An awesome bonty hunter from metroid prime and we really need more metroid characters but boobies, I mean samus, is plenty!!!!

1. Kratos: The best most bad @$$ spartan god of war and double bladed ancient crazy deadly bald killer and bloody family slayer ever.


10. Geno

9. Bowser Jr./Shadow Mario

8. Daxter

7. Darkrai

6. Boobies!


4. Krug

3. YODA!!!

2. Sylux

1. Kratos