metroidprime4ev Blog
Assassin's Creed, Company of Heroes, Psychonauts best things ever, says me.
by metroidprime4ev on Comments
Just picked up my AC preorder from EB, and it is AWESOME. A truly unique experience. It's a love/hate game though, so consider yourself warned.
Company of Heroes is the most refreshing RTS I've ever played. After the 'build moar tanks nao' nature of CnC 3, it's good to see a game where sound strategy can lead to one squad overpowering three others. The destructibility and all the tactics that come along with it are great too.
Psychonauts, however, is the pick of the bunch. Clever, funny, innovative, balanced and cheap (money-wise, that is) in equal measure, this is the crowning moment for videogaming. From the brilliant (in a twisted, Tim Burton-esque way) mind of Tim Schafer, this is a fantastic experience. For the whole family, to boot. Psychonauts is too much fun to pass up.
Old classics
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Gotta love those Christmas sales
by metroidprime4ev on Comments
I picked up a few games recently, three of which I'll talk about today.
I managed to track down a copy of the insanely rare Zone of the Enders, and I have to say I'm enjoying it right now. Repitition is an issue, but I don't really care. Jehuty is very well designed and the conrols are great. Basically it's a great way to kill a half hour or so. Now to find a copy of the second runner...
Next up is Gran Turismo 4. It's a fantastic racing sim, but I have to say the lack of a damage model really hurts it. The graphics are an absolute treat. The photo shoot option is a nice diversion, especially since I now have about thirty pictures of my car travelling the world on my PSP. Still, I have to say Forza Motorsport, with its heavily customisable difficulty, realistic damage model, and aesthetic customisation of cars, is probably my preferred of the two.
Last but not least, Devil May Cry 3. Rock-hard difficulty level, but one you've levelled up the trickster style and unlocked DT, it gets a bit easier. Until Nevan that is. I'll try to track down a copy of the special edition. Awesome cutscenes. In all, fun for those who don't mind restarting a lot, and have a blatant disregard for the laws of physics.
Seacrest, out!
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