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Halo warld!

Hey y'all. I have just started using Gamespot after a couple of years spent on GameFAQs. I don't really have any particular taste in games. I have RPGs, shooters, stealth games, RTSs, platformers, action adventures, puzzlers, survival horror etcetera spanning a PS2, Xbox, Wii and PC. I am loving this website so far, but I'm still working out the kinks. I love gaming more than anything else in the world and I hope to be doing it for a long time to come. I have to say my favourite genre at the moment is survival horror, I've been getting into Resident Evil and Project Zero (Fatal Frame), and hope to start chewing my way into Silent Hill sometime soon. Also, hooooooooooooooge lover of the MGS series, truly not a better franchise around. Hope I get to know some of you soon! You can find my windows live blog here: