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metsarethebest Blog

This might come back to hurt me...but oh well

I've been searching around for "evidence" of the moderators being too harsh. Please keep in mind that today is DAY TWO of the investigation.

Here is what I've found:
The following have recently written blogs about the TOS violations:

20 TOS violations- most likely untrue
doing something really bad...

Interesting Facts
At least 19 of the 25 topics on page one of "About the Forums- Ask the Mods" have to do with bans, suspensions, TOS, reporting, etc.

Some Comments From Everyday Users Found
..."But then I got another one for something at HM thread that I thought was unfair."
"Mods are crazy"

Signs of Unfairness
Agreeing with someone by saying "Yeppers" will get you a TOS violation.

This will be the place where I get things off my chest! (sssquarepants talking)

So when middle school ended (last June), I told this girl I liked her. She said I dont like you that way. And ever since that, we havent seen each other and our friendship has gone downhill. We are currently in email fight. I know I will win because I have past events to use. She pretty much hates me now. THATS THE FIRST THING!

Abigail Breslin.
I don't like this girl. I dont think I can. To me, she is the new Dakota Fanning. And where did Dakota go. A couple years back, it seemed Dakota was in every movie. She played the child in EVERY movie. But now, all I hear is "Abigail Breslin! This girl is amazing." Well, I DON'T CARE!

Number 3
Always arguing. I love to argue. Especially when I KNOW I can win, much like the first thing I talked about in this blog. I love to argue about many different things: from sports and pop culture to men and women. I can do it all and win everytime...if I choose to debate.

Number 4
New George Bush blog on friday. Just a reminder.

A Complete Overhaul

This profile is a dissapointment and needs to be fixed.
This is sssquarepants talking right now because Tanner (metsarethebest) has asked me to take over his profile for the summer, due to complications. This profile will have NO MORE three word blog posts or daily words. I'm taking over.

My first order of business is to get more friends. The next week will be spent soley on getting friends. So if your reading this, add me. If not, I'm sure I'll add you.

Goodbye and have a great day.

The MAH!

This girl that goes to my school is so weird I can't even explain her some times she's that weird. She says hi to Alex (sssquarepants) & I at least four times a day

One time she was talking to me and Alex in health during announcements and she siad, " alex in 7th grade u had a high pitched voice, but in the 8th grade u had a deep voice, did I hurt your feelings?" We just started to laugh

One time she in health we were playing the name game and when she was up she said," Hi i'm molly and I like to do woods!" Everyone started to laugh and I felt bad for her.

She also was wearing her middle school sweatshirt and Alex said that's not weird. She also asks so many questions. this blog could go forever but i'm going to stop.

Breaking a diamond with a hammer

This kid that goes to my school asked me if you could break a diamond with a hammer, I asked him if he was serious and he said yeah. There is no way you can break a diamond with a hammer.

So I asked another kid if it's possible and he siad, If your strong enough. I was shaking my head and saying," Are you serious? there's no way you could do it u can only break a diamond with a diamond or a diamond saw.

Then I went home after school and asked my step mom, and she said yeah too. She also said how do u think they cut 'em into tiny pieces, and I said they do it with a diamond saw dee ta dee.

One question for all you people out there, Do you think it's possible!!??

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