@Ratsneve: I haven't heard any confirmation about future Elder Scrolls games in development, but I doubt that this will be the last one. This title was made by a separate studio from the other games in the series. Also, the choice to set the game 1000 years prior to the single player games should allow them to create new titles without breaking lore continuity. I haven't played TESO, I'm on the fence about it, but to my knowledge the pvp is consensual and not open world. Most mmo games can be played solo to level cap. Group content is part of the appeal of this type of game, but it is possible to avoid it.
meubanks' forum posts
@FelipeInside: I wasn't being confrontational. I respect peoples opinions. I just think it's funny because people tend to get fired up in some of these threads. I was in no way attacking you or your posts. I hope I wasn't received that way.
In general I'm not a huge fan of Gamespot's new format. The site as a whole is more poorly organized and less useful. It is more in line with current trends though. The web is often more about generating traffic than it is about utility. I make no assumptions about Gamespot's motivations or business decisions. I just liked the old format better. As in everything, chalk it up to personal preference.
I'm not sure why anyone would care when or under what conditions someone else upgrades. It's their money, and they can do what they want with it. All economic activity is good, it keeps people employed, and money moving through the economy. As long as they aren't starving their family to buy a GPU, What difference does it make? I'm not being disrespectful toward anyone else's opinion. These threads pop up a lot and they give me a bit of a chuckle. I just wonder why it matters.
WOW was an anomaly. The MMO genre is a niche market to begin with, and is in decline. There are a few games that are successful and well designed , but there will likely never be another that matches WOWs peak numbers. WOW itself has steeply declined in subscription numbers and is one of the few that ahs successfully maintained the subscription model. An MMO doesn't need to beat WOW. It needs to attract enough players to be profitable. Different people have different play styles. Not everyone likes the same thing, and there is nothing wrong with that. If you don't like WOW, play something else. There are a few alternatives that are fun, well designed, and successful.
Any RPG produced by Black Isle was usually good, most notably the Fallout and Baldur's Gate series. Obsolete now but great memories.
Elder Scrolls series.
Wing Commander Series if I'm allowed to get nostalgic. The genre has since disappeared.
Half Life series.
Any 4X that was well done. (Civ series, but there were some other good ones)
The Sim City and Sims franchises. Both series have lost my interest but I spent a lot of time on them, and had a lot of fun with them.
Total War Series.
StarCraft, although SC2 failed to recapture the magic for me.
Nethack- a silly but ridiculously fun freeware game the my friends and I wasted way too many hours on, back in the day.
Probably many more that are slipping my mind. I've been playing PC games since the PC was invented. Some of the old school stuff wouldn't play well today, but they were awesome in their time. (Wizardry, Ultima, Bards Tale, et. al.)
I think I'm feeling nostalgic because it's Christmas.
Expansions for the Sims 3 were expensive, repetitive, and light in content. This was particularly true as the game aged. I quit buying them, long before they quit making them. I haven't heard enough about the next installment to make a judgment. From what I can see from the screen shots, the character models look much better. I enjoyed the franchise. It had some unique and surprisingly deep gameplay. But I think the series has run its course for me. If this is a graphical update, I won't be interested enough to play it again. If they change the gameplay too much, it will remove the things that I liked in the first place. The series had it's flaws, but it was addictively fun at one time. I'm just not certain that I have another SIms franchise in me. I may or may not be good, but I'm not sure I want to play it. If it is overpriced and has annoying DRM definitely not. I'm not a fan of the online only trend for modern games, but I can't blame developers for avoiding piracy. It just annoys me when DRM schemes wind up punishing the people who actually bought the game.
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