@stef123: Thing is - some of us actually want to use our PC's, not just leave them running and mining all damn day. And the fact that we have to go through the hassle of mining currency just to be able to afford a decent GPU? Quite frankly? **** that.
@jkittleson: For someone who very obviously does not like Star Wars or Disney, you've made an awful lot of comments on this article... can I ask how much of your time you've spent on here and why you have nothing better to do? I imagine you'll be looking back when you're 80 and think "Christ, I spent half my life posting hate comments on a website that doesn't exist anymore and nobody ever gave a shit."
@hardeddie: Why are all those adjectives 'lazy, self-entitled, whinny (by the way, that's what a horse does) not followed by a noun? You've left me completely in suspense. I demand to know where that sentence was going.
By the way, you do realise that these games you love playing are predominantly made by us so-called milleNNials? Double N, just so you know for your next piss against the wind.
@JustPlainLucas: Unless they're brought back as purely cosmetic packages? What would be wrong with that? If, and i've never understood why, people want to customise how some random pixels look and pay for the privilege, then by all means let them.
I can't bring myself to watch a trailer for Rick and Morty... I mean, geez Rick, the episodes are short and scarce enough as it is.. why do we have to go spoiling it? Geez...
Mezzanine58's comments