@wheepitup: What an idiotic comment. Nothing else to say except that if you're prepared to call an entire group of people "lowest tier of human scum" (which is so hyperbolic, it's not even funny. I remind of you the horrific people who actually do exist) based on a fucking gaming article - then you, yes you, are very probably the one most people would refer to as 'human scum'. Sorry.
Another 'reboot'/'remake'?? I suppose they simply can't think of anything new anymore. Did I miss the news where all the talented screenwriters of this world killed themselves in a suicide pact?
Has there ever been a time when Hollywood has been more out of touch with their audiences?
Of course Michael Bay isn't secretive about his 'work'. Everything he does is a carbon-copy of the last thing he did. Huge, neverending explosions? Check. Hot yet utterly talentless actress? Check. Awful lead? Check. Minimal story/logic? Check. I mean, there's literally nothing you can spoil about his movies.
@darthrevenx: Speak for yourself. I don't know anyone who doesn't know the book. But I know a hell of a lot who don't know sh*t about Doom, or even that it exists.
Do you understand that gamers, especially hardcore ones (ie - the people on this site making comments), are still very much the minority in this world.
By the way, I'm a gamer, but I hate Doom, don't want to play it and have no idea what BFG means in that context, and frankly could not give less of a sh*t. But I promise you one thing - in 200 years, one of these meanings will live on. And it won't be Doom's.
@jyml8582: Jesus H Christ - I know this is going to come as a shock to your own little prepubescent mind - but we all actually had books before computers came along. And one of those books was called, wait for it..... The BFG! And we all knew what the BFG meant, and we still do.
@kazeswen: Why would kids want to watch a creepy guy wearing latex and doing somersaults while shoving his crotch in their face? I have no idea, but they all seem to watch that Lazy Town sh*t.
@zinten: Are you being serious? This sound didn't physically manifest itself. You wouldn't actually hear it if you were, for some reason, floating out side the probe at that point.
It is simply our way of physically manifesting the sound of electric waves for our ears to hear.
Those "internet specialist" were right - there is no sound in space.
@saturatedbutter: How about looking at it this way. Instead of reacting with childish sarcasm, how about appreciating the incredible fact that we, as humans, are totally non-plussed by this. Merely a century ago, people would have had their minds' blown, Another century before that and you'd have been burned at the stake for suggesting it was anything other than God's farts. So maybe just take a moment to consider how lucky you are to be able to live in an era where we know these things and can readily accept them.
Mezzanine58's comments