The review is so right... it's much more open to change than Hearts of Iron 3. In my game as Italy, the Soviets attempted a coup in France in 1936, which split the country in two, Germany then took advantage and invaded France a day later. Needless to say, the shit is hitting the fan much earlier than I anticipated....
@jay30mcr: I don't understand. How is this relevant? What's being talked about here is a different game, (originally) from a different developer, and a different publisher. You might as well have put a link to your favourite type of mushrooms.
@DrunkenPunk800: Dear lord that is quite the unprovoked rant there... Touched a nerve? Or were you drunk as a punk?
A few things to point out - You have no idea why her parents didn't allow her to play. Perhaps they were fundamentalist Christians? Perhaps they had something against what they perceived as violence in video games? Perhaps they didn't trust video games in general? Remember this was the 90s and people (over the age of 25 or so, especially) did not recognise what games were or where the were going. Most were quite dismissive, if I remember correctly.
Dogs are being skinned alive? What the sweet jesus are you going on about? Ugh.. why am I being drawn into this..... First - people have the right to eat what they want. A dog is an animal - just because you consider it a pet, does not mean other cultures (I know, surprisingly there are cultures that aren't American) have to respect those ideas. I find eating horsemeat repulsive, but I respect that other cultures find it normal. As to the skinning alive? I'd like to see some concrete evidence of that on a large scale. And also, you might like to remember that a couple of hundred years ago you were skinning native Americans alive. Think about that.
@yumyumnomnom: Why not? I'm curious to know what evidence you've gleaned from that trailer that tells you it won't be good? Perhaps you're right. Perhaps you're wrong. But one thing is for sure - if you go into it with that attitude, you'll never like it.
@Mirimon78: When I think of all the problems with that movie, Jeremy Irons would be one of the last things I'd think of - simply because he's so anonymous in it. Bigger issues, I'm afraid.
Mezzanine58's comments