Picked this title up for my PSP and it's actually not a bad game. I looked over the gamespot review of a 6/10 and not sure if I will agree with it as I'm enjoying it so far. So far I keep hearing the same thing that Aya Brea is a weak protagonist butif you haveplayed both Parasite Eve and Parasite Eve 2 for the PS you would have known that before you even opened the box. That was sort of the appeal for me even though she is physically weak she is enormously powerful, though so far the 3rd Birthday hasnot really incorporated this outside of the Overdrive device other than being able to add genetic enhancements. In PE and PE2Aya's mutations caused by evolved mitochondria gave her awesome power to fight off Eve and so far that has not come into play in this game. Will see if this changes further in the story. Also on a personal note, being aResearch ScientistI did find the story of evolved Mitochondria mutating their host and attacking NY City a little farfetched but Square did a good job telling the storyso I went with it.
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