If they glitched to get there, they cheated. All legit gamers like me can't stand cheaters. If you cheat you obviously suck and you are not a legit gamer.If I had it my way cheaters would be banned from playingpublic matchescompletely. Cheaters ruin the experience for real gamers. Cheat all you want on single player or in your own private games, but if you cheat online in anyway you should be covered in honey and tied down to a giant red ant hill. So the moral of the story is get some skillsand DON"T glitch or cheat online.Now that they can monitor the lag switchers I hope they go afterthem next and I hope the punishment is much more severe.
mforbesy's forum posts
I loved the game beginning to end. I through it was great. Not so much scary but it is very weird and creepy. I have alot of friends that thought it was to weird for them. The one thing that I thought really sucked was the fact that you can't keep your powers when the game is over.How lame is that. You finally get all the powers you want, you get themleveled up and the game ends.They should have had an option to play though again with everything you've earned and let you just wreck house or play on the most difficult setting. This is why I traded it when I was done. I thought the Darkness sucked as did all of my friends. The guns were under powered and the powers grew as old as the game did half way through. Its verystrange to me that anyone could like The Darkness more that Bioshock.
Most people by 30 understand that age is just a number and fun will alway be fun. There is no age limit to fun and video games are not just for kids. We are not our parents and we shouldn't compare ourselves to their generation. They never had video games like we have now. We are new, we are cool, and we will rule. Its a brave new world out there so get your game on.
1. Call Of Duty 4
2. Halo 3
3. Gears of war
4. GTA 4
5. Guitar Hero 3
6. Bioshock
7. Assassin's Creed
8. Fear
9. Splinter Cell: Double Agent
10. Unreal 3 (comming soon to the top of this list)
My pc was built for Unreal 04 and I still love to LAN party with it but it won't do Unreal 3 without a $400 upgrade. So, I will be buying this game for my 360. Unreal 3 is a must have fps for fast paced explosive action. It will rock your face off so if you can't handle it run away as fast as you can...wuss.
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