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My Homework Is Done

Looks like these guys are trying to out-do PS3's Frontlines.


I wonder whether these guys know that shooting @ medics (see the sniper section @ 03:03) IRL isn't allowed?

Now don't get me wrong, I love that video. And I don't mean to be an anal b*tch. It's great (and then again they may be totally aware that they aren't allowed to and that's why they're making fun of it). LOL. I'm just wondering. *shrugs*

Anyway, got Medal of Honor Heroes for my PSP. Because R6V on PSP has yet to be released in this country. Anyway. I got the most American game you can get... And it's not even in Amerikaans! It's in Dutch! I mean I'd be fine if it were a simple game. But this is like Dutch orders and list of objectives in Dutch. Godverdomme.

Hey, everyone. My homework is done. Anyway, I am a bit bitter because I thought (and had planned since April) then this day came I'd make a holier-than-thou entry basically condemning you all to hell because I managed gaming celibacy. But I guess I won't because I didn't go through it all. Anyway, yeah. Just to let you know why I haven't been reading people's blogs/review and stuff. I'll tell you more about what happened and the course about gaming and why I decided to quit gaming-celibacy. Well... I hope you all have a nice week.

I'm planning on taking a break on Ritalin this week. I really can't stand the side effects! They make me get headaches (I wake up with one every single morning), I get nauseous as hell, my mouth gets so dry and my hands get jittery the first few hours. I do also get very, very chipper and talkative. But then again, the first day I took it I was like doing errands and my room got sqeaky clean my hand-writing got neat. Weird. Doesn't make you smarter. Just makes you focus better. Wanted to prove it, so I played Lumines II. Broke my own record on the first try and skiped a rank.

Still I'm really dissapointed with my homework. I already mentioned this when I quit gaming-celibacy, but I got really sick the first week and I had 3 weeks so I only had like 2 weeks. which is stupid. I'm so angry at myself for getting depressed over the pettiest things... I can't believe I wasted my time on that. Grrr...


[edit] Okay, now about the course where we study about games (I think it was my favorite course here. I still can't figure why there were 18 people in the beginning and ended up with only 5 people who actually sat the exam. But still it was great because among those 5 people who stayed in that course, almost all of them if not all of them were gamers--we got pretty close. It was a great course). Remember when I made this really long rant because I thought I'd fail the exam? Well I didn't. =) =)

I got another 9 for the second paper and an 8 on the exam. So I DID pass. The papers were never about gaming though. They were mostly about data protection and police work and how they investigate people and use computers. The course was like 25% about games the rest was about other things in Cyberlaw (excluding Cyberterrorism and Information warfare because it doesn't exactly fall under what the course is about, that's for another course).

The reason why I freaked out was because the deadly "Is Murder in Second Life Murder" question popped out and I gave an answer of what I thought and I thought it was stupid. Of course the answer was no. And I DID answer NO. But then I added that if an avatar murders someone elses avatar, (since in this game you actually cause grave damage to your credit card. LOL), everything you own there should be considered your property. And you should be able to claim liability--or something. Then I went about saying that this is when a game's genre gets important because you'd have to determine what the objective of the game is. Because well if you're playing a soldier then you're purpose of playing is either kill or get killed. Whereas if you play a game where the objective isn't killing or getting killed NEVERMIND. Point is... I didn't fail my exam for saying something that stupid. I worry too much. [/edit]

[edit] I'm kind of pissed that GS disables Firefox's spell-check somehow. So if you see any typos, do tolerate. I usually Ctrl+C & P on to my word processor when this occurs. But I'm too damn tired. Anyway yeah, the whole thing isn't over yet. Still have sh*t to do. Including trying to ship things I can live without back to my parents' house as I'm moving out real soon...

Anyway. I think I generally did a good job in keeping the amount of things I keep in the NLs to a minimum. OMG, if you could see the amount of clothes I brought/bought here in the NLs, you'd be surprised... I have so little clothes here that I have to constantly be doing laundry. Moving alone here hit me pretty hard, so I'm determined not to make moving back a nightmare even if it means my closets going to be empty. But still. Anyway, I do miss my Converses. Only have a pair here.

Still pretty pissed off because of other things I have to do now. The way life works is really funny isn't it? It's so unpredictable. I think I like gameplay a lot better. IRL things aren't as mathematical as AI. It not like:

Level 1: Takes 10 bullets to kill you, enemy soldiers are basically dummies.
Level 2: Takes 5 bullets to kill you, enemy soldiers' AI slightly increase.
Level 3: Takes 2 bullets to kill you, enemy soldiers' are smart as hell and the theatre is a maze.

IRL, things work really weird. Sometimes the more/harder you work, the less you get in return. Which I find really strange. I mean, it's happened before. I've been studying for like 5 years (incl. a semester break) after HS so I know. But they work in a particularly strange way here.

I imagine the way people look me is that I have an ego/pride problem and I'm not very good at handling failure. People don't understand that as ditzy and dumb I may seem, I do know where I stand. I do compare myself to people a lot (not that I'm super-competitive or anything, although the sterotype of an Asian girl would be she'd be a competitive-kiasu-b*tch-you'd-need-Sun-Tzu-to-help-handle and I'm sorry that's true SOMETIMES but I try not to let that happen to me***). So I know where I stand. Most of the time when I get sh*t results for something I just STFU because I know I deserve it.

The reason why I've been so upset with recent events is not about me thinking I'm smart. It's me being really upset that people fail to distinguish between an idiotic-noob and an idiotic-noob-who-makes-an-effort. I find that to be extremely insulting, because I feel as if people are laughing at me FOR trying too hard.

And maybe I do try too hard and I AM A NOOB. But... [/edit]

[WARNING: THIS MAY BE OFFENSIVE TO SOME] ***[REMOVED, if you really want to know what I have to say, feel free to PM me and I'll copy you the section I just removed] [/WARNING: THIS MAY BE OFFENSIVE TO SOME]