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Writing Things I've Been Meaning to Post Here Part. I [Ace Combat, GTA, Pilot A]

Sorry I haven't been around lately, I had some things to take care of!

Hey, Did You Know That 'Garuda' is an Indonesian Word? [As you all know, Ace Combat is Japanese-made].

How cool is that? Well. Not really 100% Indo. It's mainly just Asian. But oh well. It's the national coat. It's also the proper Indo airline (as opposed to those cheap airlines, Asian versions of EasyJet). Anyway, I don't think Garudas really exist. LOL. Do Dodo Birds exist? This is the 2K7 E3 demo. It's in the 6th (X360, non-PSP/DS). Damn x360 gamers get special hardware for it. And yet another good example of how beautiful graphics are on a next-gen console.

Ace Combat 6's Ace Edge Joystick and Throttle Controller for X360 users

Click HERE to enlarge and become bitter...

Anyway, my two latest games are Pilot Academy and GTA: Vice City Stories. I got the former at Replay and the latter at Dynabyte (which I love because the guys at Dynabyte are such sweeties and they're funny and I get a 10% discount everytime. LOL).

When I got Pilot Academy, I got Ubisoft's latest CD-ROM brochure that had a cool Rainbow Six: Vegas video in it. AWESOME. Anyway, I finally got Pilot Academy. The English version (I think for the US market). I'm kind of upset that it has such a limited number of aircraft. But I HAD to buy it because it was (as far as I know) the only handheld game which allows you to fly civilian (commercial, private) aircrafts. Out of the 20 aircrafts, only 5 were non-military. And from those 5 planes, only 2 were passenger planes. I think the rest were farmer/tractor planes, one was one of those mountain-ish planes and one was an acrobat plane. GAH. I'm not very far into Ace Combat X yet. Flight sims can be mighty disorienting. My kill rate there is SO low! It's lower than 20% whereas my kill rate on R6V is 100%.

Am I still entitled to brag about my 100% kill rate on R6V when I've thrown a grenade at myself?

I made a playlist for civilian flight sims: http://www.youtube.com/view_play_list?p=577C9A05864E8818

Anyway, I though the latest poll @ the Ace Combat Union was interesting. I'm not going to repeat what I just wrote in that thread. What I said wasn't interesting anyway... LOL.

And today I decided to hang around Dynabyte after shipping 3 boxes (each ± 15kg/+30lbs) to my parents' house [and having a crappy morning because I had a 2-in-1 dream featuring 2 guys I want out of my life, one is Indo and one is Dutch--BOTH in the SAME dream.]. Anyway, back to Dynabyte. The guys there are so funny. We argued about '80s music and freaked one out by saying "Well some of it is TOLERABLE" (NO OFFENSE, I know some of your are huge fans of the '80s. You can call the '60s/'70s lame if you want to get even with me :D :D) and he goes like "TOLERABLE?!" well Vice City Stories is set in 1984. And it's supposed to be a prime example of kitsch-ness in the '80s. He was like "You should listen to the radio station in this game, when I'm on flights all I do is listen to the cool music in it" and I'm like "Gamespot said Liberty City has a funnier radio station" and he's like "NOOOO!!!! This is way funnier."

Anyway, if you're into '80s music, go here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grand_Theft_Auto:_Vice_City_Stories_soundtrack

I was a bit freaked out in the beginning because it said on the box "TEXT IN NEDERLANDS, SPOKEN WORDS IN ENGLISH" (it scares me because I was worried that they'd use Dutch street language. I'm not even that good at normal Dutch, so the use of Dutch street language/slang would've been a disaster), but the whole thing was in English. YAY!

[edit] OOPS! MY BAD. Actually it said "Spel in Engels, HANDLEIDING in Nederlands" so only the manual's in Dutch. Silly me. Anyway, I checked my other games (by EA, Ubisoft, etc etc) and it's what it says on De Sims 2. If that's how EA works here in the NLs, I might consider getting the De Sims 2 for PC and probably the H&M expansion pack. Or even The Sims 2 University. [/edit]

Anyway it was so funny because when I tested the game the first thing it said was (these aren't verbatim records, so not the exact):
Character 001: Here, have this.
Character 002: What is this?
Character 001: It's a pager [sounding like it's so cool]. Welcome to the '80s!

I cracked up laughing SO hard!:lol: :P

Oh technology.


PS: This is only part I, I'm going to write other things after my head stops hurting from Ritalin side-effects. I'm going to go read my friends blogs here. Bye. :) :)