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michael2021 Blog

February 5th, 2007

So... it's been since how long that I made a post here?

Eh... Well anyways, I just wanted to drop a little note that I finished Final Fantasy V Advance. That game was just gold, and I loved it.

Speaking about retro stuff, I'm gonna leave a little Wish-List for Virtual Console games, just so I can know how much is it going to be, and when. I'm a loser like that...

Nintendo Entertainment System (NES)


Sega Genesis
-Bonanza Bros. (800 Pts.) (***)
-Comix Zone (800 Pts.) (**)

Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES)
-Contra 3: The Alien Wars (800 Pts.) (****)
-F-Zero (800 Pts.) (***)
-The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past (800 Pts.) (*****)

Nintendo 64 (N64)
-Mario Kart 64 (1,000 Pts.) (***), it's not complete. I'll do more later, when I feel like it. Anyways, I'm gonna leave this link here so I can check it out at home.

So far...

Hey... it's really been a while. I dunno about Jean coming to check up on her account lately, she seems to be in a downish mood and it's been like that for a while. Since it started, her fangirl-ism is now towards South Park like you had no idea. I guess when she finally gets FF3 DS and a DS lite of her own, she'll get better, maybe. I'll try bugging her today on Windows Live Messenger to see if she'll go check her page and what not.

Oh yeah, I mentioned Final Fantasy III DS. Yeah, I had gotten that game, and I just completed it, too. I still can't believe that Luneth died in the final battle and I couldn't cast Arise in time before the final boss was defeated, he missed out on a load of Experience Points.

I also got a new black NintendoDS lite and sold my old white NintendoDS lite to a kid I know in school. It all worked out, I gots me a black NintendoDS lite.

God, I miss Dragon Quest. I completed DQ8 (Sadly, the only one I got to play and complete legitely) like... I dunno how long ago, and I loved it. So I was ecstatic over the news that DQ9 was announced for the NintendoDS. Yeah, from the video, it does look like it's not turn-based anymore, but they were playing with each other over Wi-Fi. I have a belief that the battles are action-based just for multiplayer over Nintendo WFC and local Wi-Fi, and it's old-school turn-based in the main storyline... It'd make alot of sense. We'll just have to wait and see.

My brother got ahold of some money and he bought Kirby Squeak Squad. Holy hell, that game is great. It brought me back to HAL Laboratory, I mean, I played Kirby Superstar Deluxe on the SNES last month, and I was doing horrid... but playing the new one on the DS, I got back on my feet. HAL Laboratory has their own weird kind of way with platformers and controlling... But it's fun and innovative. I think they can go for a while without Sakurai.

Matt, my friend, told me that he was gonna go shopping for Christmas gifts tofay, and I asked him what I would like (Final Fantasy V Advance). I think he'll get it for me... maybe today even *excited*. Well, I better get off and end this post now.


Edit: I'm at school editting this. Basically, I'm looking for a great case for my DS lite. Ever since my transition from the NintendoDS to the NintendoDS lite, I have only one cruddy pouch for it... and I'm the kind of guy that has to have snazzy stuff.

I remember the GBASP days, I had an awesome case for it. It was rectangular, held the GBA SP, along with a sling for up to 10 Game Paks, and extra space for etc. Best of all, it had a belt loop, so I could have it on my belt (Like I wanted!). So when I got the NintendoDS, the only case I got for it was something simple... It had no belt loop, but I loved it because it not only held the NintendoDS, but it had 8 little Game Card slots, and behind it was space for 8 GBA Game Paks. That's what I like! And now what I have for my NintendoDS lite (Currently...), is just a simple cheap pouch. It only has a belt loop, and it can only hold the NintendoDS lite. Plus, since it's so cheap, it looks tattered. Bah! So I'm just posting links of what I like in here so I can go bug my mom about it at home. Besides, if anyone has any opinions, etc., I'd appreciate it!

A retry on the whole Journal Thing

I rarely update my DeviantART Journal, and I'm mostly about games, so I guess I'll type alot of crap about games here in the first place.

First of, my brother broke my GameCube (GCN). He leaves the controllers on the floor and never picks them up, then one day, he steps on the controller cord. It drags the GCN, boom. Right on the floor, and it broke internally. The Time/Date settings keep resetting, and the GCN will sometimes turn off on itself, it usually does that during saving. Right now, it's being repaired at Nintendo of America (NoA) HQ, for a price tag of $57.50 USD. After that gets repaired, I'll go back to Tales of Symphonia.

Usually, the Internet controls me and I never play in a day, but sometimes, I fight it back and play. I just played a bit of Grandia III (Which is good). And I got Big Brain Academy and Lost Magic for the NintendoDS-Lite (Yay! I own it!). Big Brain Academy is addicting, while the awesomeness of Lost Magic is nice, over 400 Spells, and the character art is done by the director of Studio Ghibli!

Oh yeah! Many thanks to Jeansama for the banner, she is the Avatar Queen, and I may be able to visit her for the Summer if my mom won't stop freaking out about it.

Lastly, I'd post my games to finish and stuff to do list now, but I'm dead tired, I'll do it in the next Journal.

...oh, and thank god for the new Tales of Destiny I PS2 Remake and Tales of Symphonia O.A.V. announcement. :D