Madden nfl series suck really Madden nfl 15 was a horrible game and so was Madden nfl 25 just plain suck as 13 and 12 sucked badly ,
Michaelg2015's forum posts
madden series suck,play halo 5 instead or play blood sport 2 or wii u games.madden 16 sounds like garbage that sucks really bad since of the sega dreamcast nfl 2k series did good until 2005,not 2015 lol.
Madden 16 garbage,why should they make the stupid game anyways,too long of a crappy madden franchise that sucks.Slient hill home coming out there,they should cancel madden franchise and make a different game that follows the gallows movies stupid fucks,don't every make a trashy sports title.
there's a thing madden might have forgot about sponsors like nbc,fox,nfl network,espn and players buy shoes,they kind of forgot about that,well ea sports sucks with madden nfl anyways.there cover voting *** and plus lame.
Espn nfl primetime 2002 on ps 2 doesn't look realistic enough since the PlayStation 4 high definition would probably look better,well espn 2k series is still probley better since nfl gameday 2004. Probably needs to be upgrade or somthing since its from www.Espn.Com is alright,sometimes.
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