If its true that they bought rockstar cause if they did and they release more crap ports im just gonna go bombed..im gonna stop there. I mean this could mean the end of gta as we know it, I HATE EAAAAAASDASDA AJKFSDNCVKASDVJKN :evil:
So i got RS vegas 2 today and boy i love this game, i was also so happy to find the friends xmb pop up when i went to community features, keep in mind this is while i was playing singleplayer in the pause menu. Im so happy that they finnaly gave us this, im probly allitle to exited but after dealing with cod 4's crappy community features for so long, its nice to have an invite system that works and the ability to add friends in game. Any body else having fun with this game, i cant wait to hop online and start pooning nubs.
I really dont see what people thought was so amazing about that game, I could care less whether or not it comes to ps3. But no i dont think its happening and even if it did, would many people by it?
Are those little psn card things available yet, i guess there kinda like the xbox points system where u can buy the card at the store. Where and when will i be able to get them?
I am sure whoever played socom remembers hopping on-line onto game were everybody had a mic and everybody would conversate about watever and it was just a great online community. Do you think the introduction of socom to the ps3 will help the psn grow into something like that, where almost everybody uses mics and are more friendly online than i have obvserved on cod or warhawk.
Also i hate the idea that the games find your games for you and you cant browse though all game lobbys, i mean for online gaming i think it just works better. Are people really that lazy.
Well i would say yes since the demo is only a fraction of whats actually included in the game, but if u didnt like the gameplay or how the driving feels it didnt really change much.
Oh ye i forgot to mention the online is so sleek and east, i mean 3 taps on the d-pad boom your online and theres so much to do online as well, just plain fun.
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