Addicted to buying games vs. addicted to games..
by micubano on Comments
I got the PSP for XMas with 2 games. Two months later I have 11 games. How many have I beat? None. Am I the only person that does this? My neighbor on the other hand has the problem I had in college. He plays the same game constantly. For him, it's MGS on the PS2. In college, I let distract me for the better part of a year. I became a powerful human/elf assassin with a clan and everything. I was so into the gameplay that it became the first and last game I really let myself get sucked into. There are times since college when I will not play games for weeks or months at a time. When I finally sat down to finish Pandora Tomorrow on XBox, I saw that my save games were 9 months old! Now that I think about it. I was addicted to games long before college. I remember spending every dime and all my time playing or watching people play Pacman, Gorf, Space Fury, Donkey Kong and whatever other games that were kept in the corners of the three local penny candy stores that went out of business before I hit high school. PerilousRealms was just the first time I noticed that playing games was overshadowing the other areas of my life. When my wife takes the kids to her mothers for a week to enjoy the ocean, I play games from the time I get home from work until bed. The PSP has made gaming more accessable to me recently. All I need is a pair of headphones and I'm not bothering anyone or hogging the TV. But still, I bought 9 games in 2 months! And I remeber thinking "I'll play thins after I beat the other games" yet I know I'll be lucky if I beat 2 or three of the games. Not because they are hard. That's not a problem. So far, Metal Gear Ac!d and WipeOut Pure are the only games holding my attention since I got them. I'm taking a small break from them while playing Medievil, but that's what I say now. The only one I want to go back to is Ac!d because I want to figure out how to get better than a D on every level. I can complete the missions, I just use too many cards. I have to go, but what is wrong with me? Am I addicted to buying games or am I secretly hoping for a major relapse back into game addiction and keeping a stash handy?