mielkman / Member

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Hi, I'm Kyle and I have a gaming problem...

Seriously, I enjoy gaming, but suffer from an incredible lack of funding, as can be expected from a college age gamer with a bad job and virtually no financial aid.  As such, I've learned the art of patience.

Most games that I buy are purchased about three or four years after their release for $9.99 or less!  The games I like I tend to buy on PC because, lets face it, until now, PC offers superior graphics, and I'm convinced it will continue to be that way, at least toward the end of each console stations lifetime.  That is, if you can afford the hardware. 

The games that demand a game pad to play I buy for the X box, mostly because I don't hate microsoft, and I like the controllers better than PS2 and Game cube suffers from a lack of the style of games I like to play. 

At base that's me.  I enjoy games with stories, and games that offer "Just Plain Cool" features, or incredible immersion, better yet, both!

I've been gaming for as long as I new there were games, starting back in the days of text based adventures with rediculous commands like "get out of bed" then "go west"  where you run into your growling underoos... yah, the good old days...