Huge misstep for the GOP, and this will very likely come back to bite them more than anything they've done. This, literally, helps not a single individual and deregulates things that severely need to be regulated. Even the wealthy tax breaks benefit SOMEBODY. This hurts all individuals to benefit corporations. The way the Democrats are going socially and globally scares the crap out of me, but things like this can't be allowed to stand. People (at least the ones with the brainpower to actually think about how they are voting) have some very tough decisions to make coming up next year. This move is about as Un-American as you can get.
I've bought almost every console that has come out since the Atari 5200 (Neo Geo and CD-i being the only exceptions). This is the first console ever that I have NO interest in. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. Fool me three times... well, that's not going to happen. The Wii was underpowered crap. The Wii U is underpowered crap and the NX is even MORE underpowered crap. The truth is, it's VERY likely more a handheld first, than a console, being as the 3DS has done WAY better than the Wii U, and everything said so far sounds like it's just a handheld that can cast. Maybe that can work for them, but I need a little more than a casting 3ds. Nintendo still turns out a good game every once in awhile, but it's not worth buying their trash to play them.
@ACMC85: Pretty much everything Nintendo has done since the SNES is a gimmick, and gimmicks for them go ALLLLL the way back (R.O.B. anyone?). Get over your fanboyism.
@rarson @mietha My point being, someone calling someone else "Oriental" primarily shows ignorance on the speaker's part, and not much else. Maybe it's different in Aussie-land (and it very well could be), but in the US there are PLENTY of derogatory and insulting names for various asian nationalities/asian descents, but "Oriental", in my experience isn't one of them. I'm guess I'm still not being clear. If "Oriental" DOES have a negative, derogatory, or insulting nature, I'm not clear on where that is. I'm pretty sure everyone on the planet (or at least a LARGE number of them) are VERY clear on the negative connotations of the "N-word" and the origins of such. Certainly anyone in the US.
"The O-word is very similar to the N-word for African-American communities."
That, right there, is by FAR the most racist part of any of this. Can he really be THAT stupid? I'm not quite sure where Oriental became "racist" anyway. Ignorant? Yes. Anachronistic? Yep. Racist? I'm not sure how, unless you consider all Asians as a single "race", which of course they are not (thus ignorant), but wouldn't that make the offended party just as "racist" as the speaker?
@cablemodemx2 Actually I'd forgotten about that. I remember an ad that ran in comics for the Comic Book Legal Defense Fund that showed a hentai book (perfectly legal in the US) and told a story about a guy that got arrested for it at customs for it being in his backpack. When I saw it, I was thinking it must have been in the middle east somewhere. Turns out, it was Canada. I'd completely forgotten that until you mentioned it.
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