It looks like they're finally making an anime for it. I heard that there's already two games for it out. ^_^ can't wait.
I would post the link to the song, but unfortunately, foxfire is being rebellious at the moment. T_T
It looks like they're finally making an anime for it. I heard that there's already two games for it out. ^_^ can't wait.
I would post the link to the song, but unfortunately, foxfire is being rebellious at the moment. T_T
i'm now editor for Princess Resurrection (Kaibutsu Oujo). It's a good anime, and i'm a sucker for tough females killing stuff. :P
Since i haven't posted for so long...
I'm trying to get editoriship for Princess Resurrection (Kaibutsu Oujo/Monster Princess). No, it's not the Murder Princess anime I was talking about *sob*. But it revolves around a goth princess slashing things with a chainsaw, so...
It's called Murder Princess.Still waiting for to add it to their database. i watched up to episode 4 yesterday and episode 5 today. pity there are only six episodes...but i love it. so violent and what's more tempting than a woman in a frilly dress wielding a bloody sword, kicking some serious ass.
Plot (as by animenewsnetwork): "In the land of Foreland a coup d'état has occurred and the princess, after witnessing the death of the King, is on the run. She meets with battle-hungry bounty hunter Falis, and with a twist of fate they both switch souls, making Alita the maid of the now princess Falis. Named for her bravery in confronting the enemy as 'Murder Princess', Falis must continue to be the princess as well as confronting any new opponent that comes to her way."
Too bad there are only six episodes and two manga volumes.
forgive me for not posting sooner. i've been busy trying to finish up some summer acceleration courses for the comming fall.
comic con was pretty cool, although last year's was better. there wasn't much reference to any of the less popular animes. there also wasn't as much naruto/bleach/FMA refrence as i would have prefered. i mean. last year, naruto was EVERYWHERE!!! this year, the kept it down at the viz media booth.
tokypop booth was a MESS!!! they spent their entire time promoting a manga series called blizenghast, a pathetic comic with pitiful art and, in my opinion, a boring plot. i think tokyopop puts too much money on their bigger hits, such as princess ai, and prefers to advertize using american manga. it's not that i don't like american manga, it's just that they advertized way too much using it as their theme. i would prefered it more if they used some other manga such as Saiyuki or Dramacon to decorate the walls instead of I Luv Halloween. the only good thing was that if u sign up with them overs something, u can buy a manga for onlya dollor. so i naturally left with a lot of Saiyuki and Gravitation volumes in my bag.
There wasn't much to say about the square enx booth. they weren't selling or advertizing anything but a stamp hunt. according to the card, if you 'manage to get all four stamps, then you'll recieve a free manga!' However, by the time i got back with the stamps, they didn't have any mangas left.
Viz media was overall the only booth i found acutally enjoyable. there was lots of freebies and video games you could play. first, i went ahead and attempted the 'Naruto Clash of Ninja' wii game, and lost miserablely. however, they gave prizes to all who played, so i ended up with a pakkun ds bag and a kyubi ds clip. pity i don't have a ds...
next, there were the free, naruto xbox tryouts. i couldn't manage to play due to the immense line there was. however, the thing about viz media i loved the most was the very fact that this year, they could take ur picture in front of a green screen, then edit out the green and replace it with any anime scene from full moon, naruto, bleach, MAR, or death note. and best of all, it was free!!! *cheers*
as always, viz media gave out their trademark shounen jump bags. this years was purple and fetured death note and mar.
nothing special about the guest stars. it's just the voice actors who played temari and again. i didn't really pay attention to them since i've already got their autographs last year. but it seems as though yuri broke his left leg, and grew a beard. 0_0;
overall, this year's comic con was fun, but dissappointing. i personally hope next year's will be better. at least they could havefeture more death note and bleach.
seems like littlekuriboh finally opened up his website.
finally bought the final king of bandit jing volume, number seven. and to tell u all the truth, i'm kind of confused. i just don't understand some parts.
spoilers below (highlight to view):
How the hell did Jing fall for a girl who's a third of his size??? I mean, he ends it by telling her that he's here to steal her, but i don't understand what he finds in short woman. do they remind him of chilrdren or something. shota complex?
Spoilers End.
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