migs2k3's comments

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Edited By migs2k3

Crisis Core's graphics is in no way as complex as CoO is. Sure the faces and animations have a ton of detail, but the enviroment and everything is nowhere near as good as CoO's. The enviroment of Tartarus is just plain awesome and is just as good as anything from the first 2 God of War games. I wish RaD would have thrown in some grappling sequences, and the hydra head weapon, and magic thats based on the gods like "poseidon's rage".

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Edited By migs2k3

English voice actors of the show suck, not at being voice actors, but for being voice actors for this show! They put absolutely no feeling into the dialogue, like the japanese voice actors do. This is the only hinderence for the naruto games, import the japanese ones, and you won't be dissappointed AT ALL, especially with the Naruto: Ninja Gekkitou Taisen (aka. Clash of the Ninja) series for GC and Wii. If you want more naruto in games, theres also 3 japanese gameboy advance titles, 1 wonderswan title, and you'll also find naruto in "Jump Super Stars" a SSB type game with manga characters, just awesome.

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Edited By migs2k3

The PS3 is just too expensive... so I can came up with a list of what you can buy if you had $600: ... Well, 1up has an article of the "Top 10 thing to buy with $600", lol so they did all the work for me, check it out. http://www.1up.com/do/feature?cId=3155293 . Just start saving your rupees everybody.