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Have I gone mad?

In the last week I bought 4 pc games, a ps2 and about 30 games for it. and still I ask my self " where did my money go?" then I realized I also have orderd crysis,call of duty 4 and guitar hero III. Am I insane or should I order some more games?:P

weehoo!, new games

Rainbow six vegas,Splinter cell dubble agent,Far cry,Call of juarez(I finally learned how to spell that), Black & white, F.E.A.R(1&2),well thats it I think, exept for some other games but they kinda suck. And by the way I hope Crysis is alot of fun.

I got a PS2

oohh....I forgot I got a PS2 (witch is good beacuse my Xbox is totally crap right now) and guitar hero II. you should get it, it rocks!:D

monitor and lots of games

I got my monitor and all the games I´ve bin missing in the few years, ghost recon advansed war fighter,  swat4, Quake4, GTA sa, And Dark messiah, but thats rather new:)

My computer is finished

I finally got my computer but I wont have a good monitor or keybord. But I´ll have a good computer with meny games.
Soon I will have the monitor, and then my compuer will be complet

soon I have my computer

I´ll get my own computer in like...2 weeks.
whith: flatscreen, game keybord, surround sound.
And I will have the best graphic card you can buy, that means I can play every game on high graphic.
and allmost every thing for free:P. sounds perfect

splinter cell co-op

for eny one one how has splinter cell chaos theory, and a friend who live close to you, then i wannt to recommend co-op.
Me and my friende use to shot at a door and wait for some one to come out, and then shot him with a silenser.
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