ok and one more thing this site which shows the pc games with direct 11 it shows all the pc games will come in 2010;; \or some of them;; and one last thing do i need to upgrade my 8400 into core i5 and core i7 for pc games;; or to stay with 8400 for 3 years from now;;;; and only to, do update in gpu cardll;;;
i have the core 2 duo 8400 3Hz 4 giga ddrr2 and gtx 295 will i play this game in full settings;;; does this game need quad core;; the game says that needs quad core in 2,4 but my core 2 8400 is 3 hz will it play very good as quad core 2.4;;; and i have one more question do you know how many games will come in 5 months from now with direct11;;; i am saying this because i have gtx 295 will my gtx 295 will last me for 5 months from now;; i dont want to update in direct 11 yeat because if this year 2010 come only 10 games with direct11 so isno worth to update in the direct11;; why to spend money for only 10 games''' ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; so tell me what to do;; please;; how many games will come in the next 5 months with direct11;; should i keep my gtx 295 for 5 months yet;; or to buy the next nbdia cards;; when the gtx300 is coming;; in february;; is coming;;;;;
however it will become a little dated but should still but up a good fight, you should eventually upgrade to a GT300, jsut after a drop in price. what you mean with this;; however it will become a little dated but should still but up a good fight,
Don't upgrade straight away, wait till the GT300's drop in price, your 295 should be more than enough to hold you over till the price drop. what you mean;;; ************** Besides, I imagine many dx11 games will have support for dx10 or 9, at least the earlier games should.what you mean with this i dont understand;; will the direct11 pc games will have all features and with direct 10 gtx 295;;
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